Unsolicited idea submissions

Unsolicited idea submissions policy

At NowNowSales, we are committed to fostering innovation and creativity. However, we must protect our existing intellectual property and ensure that all ideas and suggestions are managed appropriately. This policy outlines how we handle unsolicited ideas and submissions from our users.

General Policy on Unsolicited Ideas

No Obligation:

l NowNowSales does not have any obligation to review, acknowledge, or compensate for unsolicited ideas, suggestions, or materials submitted by users.

Unsolicited Ideas Defined:

l Unsolicited ideas include any concepts, proposals, suggestions, or materials related to new products, services, enhancements, names, marketing strategies, or any other aspect of our business.

Automatic Disposition:

l Any unsolicited ideas submitted to NowNowSales will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. By submitting an idea, you automatically grant NowNowSales a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, modify, reproduce, distribute, and display the idea without any obligation to you.

How to Submit Ideas Properly

Contacting the Appropriate Department:

l If you have a suggestion or idea that you believe could benefit NowNowSales, please contact our customer support team or use the designated submission channels provided by NowNowSales.

Structured Submissions:

l Use the structured formats provided by NowNowSales for submitting ideas or suggestions. This helps ensure that your idea is properly reviewed and managed.

Formal Agreements:

l For ideas that involve significant innovation or proprietary concepts, a formal agreement outlining terms of use, confidentiality, and compensation may be required. Please contact NowNowSales to discuss this further.

Protecting Your Ideas


l Before submitting any idea, consider whether it contains confidential or proprietary information. Do not submit such information unless there is a formal agreement in place.

Intellectual Property Rights:

l Ensure that you have taken steps to protect your intellectual property rights before submission. This may include filing for patents, trademarks, or copyrights as necessary.

Professional Advice:

l Consult with a legal professional to understand your rights and obligations when submitting ideas to a corporation.

Review Process

Initial Review:

l Submissions made through the appropriate channels will undergo an initial review to determine their relevance and potential value to NowNowSales.

Detailed Evaluation:

l If your idea passes the initial review, it may undergo a more detailed evaluation by the relevant department within NowNowSales.

Feedback and Communication:

l NowNowSales may contact you for further information or clarification regarding your submission. However, due to the volume of submissions, we cannot guarantee individual feedback for every idea.

Final Disposition

Accepted Ideas:

l If NowNowSales decides to pursue your idea, you will be contacted to discuss the next steps, which may include formal agreements and compensation terms.

Rejected Ideas:

l If your idea is not accepted, NowNowSales will notify you. You retain ownership of the concept and can pursue other avenues for its development.

No Compensation for Unsolicited Ideas:

l Unless a formal agreement is in place, NowNowSales is not obligated to provide compensation for unsolicited ideas.


By adhering to this policy, you help ensure that NowNowSales can continue to innovate and protect its intellectual property while providing a fair and transparent process for managing user submissions. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation

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