Shill bidding

Shill bidding policy

At NowNowSales, we are committed to maintaining a fair and transparent marketplace for all users. Shill bidding, the practice of artificially inflating the price of an item through dishonest bids, is strictly prohibited. This policy outlines what constitutes shill bidding, the consequences for engaging in such behaviour, and how to report suspected shill bidding. 


Definition of Shill Bidding 

Shill bidding involves placing bids on an item with the intent to increase its price, desirability, or search ranking artificially. This can be done by the seller or a third party acting on their behalf. Shill bidding undermines the trust and integrity of our auction process. 


Examples of Shill Bidding 

Seller Bidding on Own Item

l A seller places bids on their auction to drive up the price. 

l Example: A seller uses a separate account to bid on their listing. 

Bidding by Friends or Family

l The seller’s friends, family, or associates place bids to artificially increase the item’s price. 

Example: A seller asks a friend to bid on their item to make it appear more desirable. 

Multiple Accounts

l Creating multiple accounts to bid on an item with the intent of manipulating its price or popularity. 

l Example: A seller creates several fake accounts to place bids on their items. 

Collusion with Other Sellers

l Colluding with other sellers to place bids on each other’s listings to artificially drive-up prices. 

l Example: Two sellers agree to bid on each other’s items to make them appear more popular and valuable. 


Consequences of Shill Bidding 

NowNowSales takes shill bidding very seriously. Users found to be engaging in shill bidding may face the following consequences: 

Warning and Education

l First-time offenders may receive a warning and educational resources on our shill bidding policy and the importance of fair bidding practices. 

Account Restrictions

l Temporary restrictions on bidding and selling activities may be imposed. 

Account Suspension

l Repeated or severe violations may result in the suspension or permanent closure of the user’s account. 

Removal of Listings

l Listings associated with shill bidding activities may be removed from the platform. 


Reporting Shill Bidding 

If you suspect shill bidding, report it to NowNowSales. Provide as much detail as possible, including: 

· Auction ID 

· User IDs involved 

· Evidence of shill bidding, such as communication records or bidding patterns 

NowNowSales will investigate the report and take appropriate action based on the findings. 


How to Avoid Shill Bidding 

Familiarize Yourself with the Rules

l Understand and adhere to NowNowSales’ policies regarding bidding and selling. 

Maintain Transparency

l Ensure that all bids on your items are genuine and not influenced by you or anyone you know. 

Monitor Your Listings

l Keep an eye on bidding activity for your items and report any suspicious behaviour. 

Educate Associates

l Inform friends, family, and associates about the prohibition of shill bidding and the importance of fair bidding practices. 


By following these guidelines and maintaining ethical behaviour, you help ensure that NowNowSales remains a fair and trustworthy marketplace for all users. Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to upholding these standards. 





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