Non-binding bid Policy

Non-binding bid policy

At NowNowSales, we aim to provide a fair and transparent bidding process. Our Non-Binding Bid Policy clarifies the nature of non-binding bids, the obligations of buyers and sellers, and the appropriate actions to take if issues arise.


What is a Non-Binding Bid?

A non-binding bid is an expression of interest in purchasing an item but does not create a legally binding contract. Non-binding bids are typically used in categories such as real estate, vehicles, and certain types of business equipment, where additional steps are required to complete the transaction.


When a Bid is Non-Binding


l Real Estate

l Motor Vehicles

l Business Equipment

l Other categories as specified by NowNowSales

Nature of the Bid:

l A non-binding bid indicates the buyer's interest and intent to negotiate further.

l It is not a final agreement to purchase the item.

Buyer Responsibilities

Serious Intent:

Only place non-binding bids if you are genuinely interested in purchasing the item.

l Ensure you have the means and intention to follow through if terms are agreed upon.



l Engage in good faith negotiations with the seller to finalize the purchase.

l Provide any requested information promptly and accurately.


Final Agreement:

l Work towards reaching a mutually acceptable agreement with the seller.

l Complete any additional steps required to formalize the purchase, such as signing contracts or making inspections.


Seller Responsibilities

Accurate Listings:

l Provide clear and accurate descriptions of the item, including any terms and conditions of sale.

l Disclose any known issues or defects.


l Engage in good-faith negotiations with potential buyers.

l Be responsive to inquiries and provide additional information as needed.

Finalizing the Sale:

l Work with the buyer to finalize the terms of the sale.

l Complete any required documentation or additional steps to transfer ownership.


Reporting Issues with Non-Binding Bids

If you encounter problems with a non-binding bid, such as a buyer or seller not acting in good faith, you can report the issue to NowNowSales. Provide detailed information and any relevant evidence to support your report.

Consequences for Misuse


l Buyers who misuse the non-binding bid process, such as by placing frivolous bids or failing to negotiate in good faith, may face account restrictions or suspension.


l Sellers who fail to provide accurate information or do not engage in good faith negotiations may also face account restrictions or suspension.


Appeal Process

If you believe an action taken against your account was unjust, you can appeal the decision by contacting NowNowSales customer support. Provide additional information or evidence to support your appeal. NowNowSales will review the appeal and make a final determination.


Protecting the Integrity of Non-Binding Bids

To maintain the integrity of the non-binding bid process, NowNowSales may:

· Monitor Bidding Patterns: Actively monitor for signs of misuse or abuse.

· Educate Users: Provide resources and guidelines to help users understand the proper use of non-binding bids.

· Support Dispute Resolution: Offer support for resolving disputes related to non-binding bids.


By following these guidelines, users help ensure that NowNowSales remains a fair and trustworthy marketplace. Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to upholding these standards.


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