Member-to-Member contact policy

Member-to-member policy

At NowNowSales, we aim to create a safe and respectful environment for all our users. Our Member-to-Member Contact Policy outlines the guidelines for appropriate communication between members. Adhering to these rules, you help us maintain a positive and trustworthy marketplace.

General Guidelines

Respectful Communication:

l Treat all members with respect and courtesy. Avoid using offensive, threatening, or abusive language.

Relevance and Purpose:

l Ensure that your communications are relevant and pertain to the transactions or interactions taking place on NowNowSales.

Prohibited Content:

l Do not send spam, unsolicited messages, or advertisements.

l Avoid sharing or requesting personal information, such as phone numbers, email addresses, or home addresses.

Appropriate Use

Transaction-Related Communication:

l Use the NowNowSales messaging system to discuss transaction details, shipping, payment, and other relevant information with buyers and sellers.

Customer Support:

l Contact NowNowSales customer support for assistance with transactions, disputes, or any issues that arise.

Dispute Resolution:

l Address any disputes or misunderstandings politely and professionally through the NowNowSales messaging system or customer support.

Inappropriate Use

Harassment and Abuse:

l Harassment, threats, and abusive behaviour towards other members are strictly prohibited.

Spam and Unsolicited Messages:

l Do not send unsolicited messages, spam, or advertisements to other members.

Sharing Personal Information:

l Do not share or request personal contact information from other members.

External Transactions:

l Do not offer to complete transactions outside of NowNowSales. All transactions must be conducted through the NowNowSales platform.

Reporting Violations

How to Report:

l If you encounter inappropriate communication, report it to NowNowSales through the reporting tool or contact customer support. Provide relevant details and evidence, such as messages and user IDs.

Investigation Process:

l NowNowSales will review the report and conduct an investigation. This may involve examining communication logs and contacting the involved parties for additional information.

Consequences of Violations


l First-time offenders may receive a warning and guidance on appropriate communication.

Account Restrictions:

l Temporary restrictions on messaging and other account functionalities may be imposed.

Account Suspension:

l Severe or repeated violations may result in suspending or terminating the user’s account.

Best Practices for Members

Clear and Concise Communication:

l Be clear and concise in your messages to avoid misunderstandings.


l Maintain a professional tone in all interactions with other members.

Report Issues Promptly:

l Report any inappropriate behaviour or communication promptly to NowNowSales.

Following these guidelines, you help ensure a safe and respectful marketplace for all NowNowSales users. Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to upholding these standards.


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