Feedback Misuse

Feedback Misuse policy

Leaving conflicting feedback and comments is not allowed. Feedback should only be related to the transaction.

To help protect our members, we have rules to make sure feedback can't be misused.

What is the policy?

Any misuse of feedback is not allowed. Feedback comments should be consistent with the rating given to describe the overall experience. Positive feedback should accompany a positive transaction rating, and negative feedback should accompany a negative transaction rating. For example:

· Sellers must not leave buyers a negative comment with a positive transaction rating

· Buyers must not leave sellers a negative comment with a positive transaction rating unless they contacted the seller beforehand and the seller was not able to resolve the buyer’s concern

Follow-up or reply comments must also match the overall rating and can't be used to change a rating.

Feedback content should only be related to the transaction. We don't allow:

· Expressing opinions on any political, religious, or social issues

· Any links, URLs, or other content encouraging sales outside of NowNowSales

· Any implied or explicit threats or intimidation

· The publishing of any personally identifiable information

· Any inappropriate or offensive content

· Any infringement of third-party rights

· Any references to investigations

Any pictures left in feedback must accurately represent the item purchased and must follow our policies, including the Offensive Material Policy, the Adult Items Policy, and the Illegal Explicit Content Policy.

Activity on NowNowSales is required to follow this policy, the NowNowSales User Agreement and all applicable laws, as well as respect the rights of third parties. If it doesn’t, NowNowSales may take action consistent with applicable laws and the NowNowSales User Agreement, and may even be legally required to do so. Such actions may include, as an example only: Removing the listing or other content, issuing a warning, restricting activity or account suspension.


Why does NowNowSales have this policy?

This policy helps protect both buyers and sellers and the integrity of the NowNowSales feedback system.


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