Feedback Manipulation

Feedback Manipulation policy

At NowNowSales, we strive to maintain a trustworthy and fair marketplace. Feedback manipulation undermines the integrity of our feedback system, and we have strict policies to prevent and address such behavior. This policy outlines what constitutes feedback manipulation and the consequences of engaging in such activities.

Definition of Feedback Manipulation

Feedback manipulation involves any attempt to unfairly influence the feedback system by providing false, misleading, or exaggerated feedback, or by coercing or incentivizing others to do so. This behavior disrupts the marketplace and affects the trust and reliability of the feedback system.

Examples of Feedback Manipulation

Fake Feedback:

1. Creating multiple accounts to leave positive feedback for oneself or negative feedback for others.

2. Paying or incentivizing others to leave false feedback.

Feedback Extortion:

1. Threatening to leave negative feedback unless the seller provides a refund, discount, or additional goods/services.

Incentivized Feedback:

1. Offering incentives, such as discounts or free products, in exchange for positive feedback.

Misleading Feedback:

1. Leaving feedback that does not accurately reflect the transaction or the item purchased.

Feedback Bombing:

1. Leaving multiple negative feedbacks to unfairly target a seller.

Reporting Feedback Manipulation

If you suspect feedback manipulation, report it to NowNowSales. Provide detailed information and evidence of the manipulation, including:

· Communication records.

· Transaction details.

· Any other relevant information.

NowNowSales will investigate the report and take appropriate action based on our findings.

Consequences of Feedback Manipulation

Users found to be engaging in feedback manipulation may face the following consequences:

· Removal of Feedback: False or manipulated feedback will be removed.

· Warnings: Users may receive a warning about their behavior.

· Account Restrictions: Users may face restrictions on their ability to leave feedback or interact with other users.

· Account Suspension: In severe cases, users may have their accounts suspended or terminated.

Protecting the Integrity of Feedback

To protect the integrity of our feedback system, NowNowSales may:

· Monitor Feedback Patterns: Actively monitor feedback patterns to identify potential abuse.

· Educate Users: Provide resources and guidelines to help users understand appropriate feedback practices.

· Support Dispute Resolution: Offer support for resolving disputes and addressing feedback-related issues.

User Responsibilities

All users are expected to:

· Provide Honest Feedback: Leave feedback that accurately reflects the transaction and item purchased.

· Follow NowNowSales Policies: Adhere to all NowNowSales policies, including those related to feedback and reviews.

· Communicate Respectfully: Address any issues with transactions in a respectful and professional manner.

Appeal Process

If you believe that an action taken against your account for feedback manipulation was unjust, you can appeal the decision by contacting NowNowSales customer support. Provide any additional information or evidence to support your appeal. NowNowSales will review the appeal and make a final determination.

By following these guidelines, users help maintain a fair and trustworthy marketplace for all NowNowSales users. Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to upholding these standards.


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